Who would have guessed that Frankfort, IN, is the new entertainment capital in Indiana. Hoosier Cruisers arrived on Thursday at the Broadview Campground. By 12:30 members were already lining up to tour the National Cigar Factory which is one of only four remaining cigar factories in the United States. The factory began operation in 1917 and many of the machines looked as though they were original. Tobacco is purchased from West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Employees make a wide variety of cigars including "stogies" which were popular during the Civil War. It was great tour.
On Friday, we all realized that there was no way that you could do everything that was available. In the morning members brought in items that they no longer needed which were swapped with other members. This was followed with a craft workshop that turned everyday soda can tabs into jewelry or decorative bands.
Later some of the members toured the Tech Group which is a high tech factory that make a variety of items including parts for batteries. Other members chose to visit a auto museum that had showcased the progress of the auto industry. Cars that were on display included Dusenburgs, a Cord, Packards, a Tucker, a T-bird, and a Mustang.
In the evening, we toured Wesley Manor, had an excellent meal, and were entertained by the "String-alongs". Check out the previous article with the lyrics for "Rovin' in My Old RV" written by Lowell H. Brown. There is also a video clip to view which includes their music.
Saturday, began with a pitch-in breakfast, but by 9:30 we were on the road again to Dull's Christmas Tree farm. The owners explained the process of growing trees to be purchased for the holiday season. They also have restored log cabins. One is used as a "bed and breakfast". It had the most unique shower that was an artificial falls that tumbled over a rock ledge. Fascinating!
A cake was also provided by Rick and Sandy Hahn recognizing the efforts of Greg and Bettie Wessel. It was delicious.
For the adventurous members, several were treated with a ride in a combine. For us city slickers this was a new experience and all were impressed with the great strides made in farming. Agriculture is a high tech business today.
The day ended at Camp Cullom with an observatory program.
Sunday, members gathered for donuts and a church service provided by Lowell Brown. He provided a message about "Love" that was uplifting.
We were sad to realize that the camping season for 2010 had ended, but were excited about the upcoming season in 2011. Make sure that you check the blog for updated information during the winter months.