Hoosier Cruisers have already marked their calendar for
the May Rally beginning May 18th and ending May 21st. The rally will be held near Evansville with
camping at Harmonie State Park. If you
want to get a head start on reservations call 866-622-6746 or use the online
reservation service – stateparks.in.gov/ The Rally Masters, Bettie and Greg
Wessel, will be camped on Site 142, and Assist. Rally Master, Jane Clashman
will be camped on site 140. You may want
to ask for a site nearby for convenience.
Sooooo……. what’s happening?????
We will set up on Thursday and a supper meal will be
provided. Gathered around a campfire we
will be able to get caught up on our adventures this winter. Friday will be a busy day with many
opportunities including a tour of the Evansville Museum, a tour of the LST
Friday will end with a carry-in meal with the meat being provided. Members are asked to bring side dishes.
Saturday will begin with a pancake breakfast.
Members will have some free time to pursue
their own interests or take a walking tour of New Harmony a historic
village. A tram tour will also be available.
Our club president, Jane Clashman, will hold a business meeting at the Working
Men’s Institute.
You won’t want to miss this rally where friendships can
be renewed.
Click: May Rally 2017 Registration for a printable registration form.