For those Hoosier Cruisers who asked for Judy's Secret Recipe, she has agr
eed to share. Judy really does cook a pretty good brisket and BBQ ribs. Both are done the same way. She removes some of the fat from the brisket. Puts Strawberry's Shake-On BBQ Seasoning (or your choice of any rub) pretty heavily on all surfaces. The more you use the more flavor/spiciness you'll get. Brown on grill to your liking (brownness). Let cool to handle. Wrap in plastic wrap. (Yes, like Saran). Wrap in foil. Put in 300 degree oven for about 3 hours. Slice and serve. Rem likes to serve the ribs with Montgomery BBQ sauce. I think mainly because it has to be heated. But it is a good BBQ sauce.

Thanks for sharing.
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