The next day volunteers had time to explore the area. A Happy Hour was held at the Wessel's and ov
er 40 Hoosier Cruisers attended. Members shared food and swapped stor
ies. One could tell from the laughter that they were having a good time. In fact they had such a good time that a second Happy Hour was held on Monday and again over 40 persons came and partied.
Sunday, many members traveled to the historic downtown area for a welcome sponsored by the city. The main street was blocked off and live entertainment was provided. Bowling Green citizens went all out to make the rally attendees feel welcome.
Those Hoosier Cruisers who volunteered to work at the FMCA store were treated to a dinner in Anderson Arena. There were over 900 volunteers who were assigned a varie
ty of
On Monday, members walked the grounds and had a meeting to discuss their responsibilities at the FMCA store.
Also on Monday, the National Officer Elections were held, and the following persons elected:
President: Charlie Schrenkel
Senior Vice Pres.: Judy Czarsty
Secretary: Joanne Durbin
Treasurer: Wil Young
All elected officers appeared enthusiastic. Although there are challenges ahead all were excited about the opportunities for FMCA in the future.
When Tuesday arrived the seminars were well attended. Members learned about their holding tanks, electrical systems, new places to visit, engine maintenance, technology advances, and a host of other interesting topics. There was something for everyone including the youth.
The entertainment was kicked off on Tuesday by the musical group 42Five. It was a quintet that performed a wide variety of music including funk, rock, jazz, and blues. The audience was amazed that no instruments were used, yet it sounded like their vocal renditions were backed up by a band. The members of the musical group made the sounds that were usually made by instruments. It was amazing!
The FMCA members enjoyed the musical renditions presented by Phil Dirt & the Dozers. Their music included songs from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. And many attending remembered hearing the Beach Boys, Roy Orbison, the Platters, and Righteous Brothers to name a few. They got the audience involved by clapping their hands and singing along with the songs. Those attending will not forget the group's song AARP which brought chuckles from the audience. As those attending left they left with smiles on their faces, fond memories in their hearts, and a song on their lips.
The Bowling Green Bash was a huge success with over 2400 coaches attending the rally. Well organized seminars, great entertainment, and FUN made this a rally to be remembered.