Central Indiana Christmas Dinner
Jane and Ernie Clasman have made arrangements for the Hoosier Cruisers of meet for a Christmas Dinner. All Hoosier Cruisers welcome. It will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at Ryan's Restaurant, Anderson, IN.
Exit 26, I - 69. Turn south restaurant is on the on right.
All Hoosier Cruisers that will be in Florida this winter. (Including past members) Please send Ernie and Jane you e-mail address and phone number. Please include the city or area where you are staying. We want to continue Charlie Snow's luncheon. If you know of a Hoosier Cruiser, past or present, that will be in Florida during the time we have the luncheon let us know or have them e-mail us. jeec49@hotmail.com
Ernie's cell phone: 765-607-4067
Jane's cell phone: 765-617-6708
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