At the store attendees purchased appliances and accessories which were good buys. But the best part was making apple dumplings that were baked by the instructors. Later members returned for their dessert which included a scoop of ice cream. Smiles were present on everybody's face as they enjoyed their afternoon treat.
On Friday, participants visited the Garst Museum which includes several exhibits: Annie Oakley, Lowell Thomas, Military History, and American Indians. The docents provided much information about each display and were present to answer questions. Everyone left a little more enlightened.
On Saturday, campers were given the freedom to choose what adventure they wanted to pursue. Bettie and I chose to take part of the Quilt Barn Tour which is located in Miami County. An artist from Mexico painted quilt blocks on over 50 barns in the area. We were fascinated with this project which is available to anyone who wants to take a scenic drive.
Hoosier Cruisers appreciated the hospitality that was extended by the National RV Great Lakers. The members were warm and included everyone in the activities that were planned. This was evident during the catered dinner where everyone fellowshiped together.
Thanks go to Dennis & Betty Behnken, Terry & Joan Swank who went out of their way to make this rally a success for their members and guests. Thank you!
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