Broadview Lake Campground
4850 South Broadview Rd., Colfax, IN 46035
From Jct. of I-65 and Hwy 28 (exit 158) go west 2.5 miles on 28 to Hwy 52. Turn left (south) on 52 for 3.1 miles to Broadview.
We will start on Thursday with a 1:00 p.m. tour of the National Cigar Factory in Frankfort for those who can arrive early. It is one of only 5 cigar factories left in the United States.
Friday morning after the pitch-in breakfast, Jane Clashman will be teaching us how to make bookmarks from pull tabs. The same technique can be used for hat bands and other items. Everyone please bring your pop can pull tabs.
We will also be having a swap meet/garage sale Friday morning. Bring all those items you have not used all season and see if someone else would like to haul them around next season. There will be space available for swapping RV related items or selling your handmade crafts or just cleaning out a closet. Maybe you traded coaches and now your tire covers do not fit. You might find someone looking for that very size. Maybe you love to quilt but cannot use 10 quilts in a 1-bedroom RV. Bring it along with a price attached and we will see what happens. Maybe you read a book or built a jigsaw puzzle last winter and would like to trade for a different one for this winter?
Friday afternoon we have optional tours planned. Tech Group (which makes plastic parts such as the cases for ChapStick) factory tour or the Clinton County Historical Museum. You might like to make a quick stop at Zachary’s (formerly Peter Paul Mounds) outlet store. Then we will regroup at Wesley Manor for a brief tour and dinner. The String-A-Longs of Wesley Manor will entertain after dinner.

Registration Deadline September 25, 2010
Rally Masters: Bruce and Beth Bailey 765-621-5734
Assistant RM’s: Jane and Ernie Clashman 765-617-6708 and
Lowel and Wilma Brown 765-242-3521 (Lowell) 765-242-9242 (Wilma)
Click on the registration to the right to print out a rally registration form.
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