We started our journey several weeks before when Dick and Janice Schumaker asked us to help with the June rally. We were a little cautious but since they were the seasoned rally masters what could go wrong.
The coaches started rolling in on Thursday and we all headed to the " Home " restaurant for a great meal and wonderful service that evening. Following a pitch-in breakfast we toured an Indian Village and moved on the Pioneer Times. All the houses and shops had period greet
ers to explain their jobs and of course there were retail shops as well so the economy got a boost from our visit. Following all of that we met for happy hour and dinner at the Barn Restaurant and called it a day.

Saturday began at the Sauder Village Hotel for a nice continental spread. Afterward the ladies learned to knit a ruffled scarf and the men went to a tractor event. I was really impressed with how quickly the first time knitters picked it up. Several of them finished their scarfs the next day.
Saturday evening we had a pulled pork dinner with everyong providing sides and desserts. As usual the food was delicious and I ate too much. After dinner we played the N
ewlywed Game.

The Tilmanns, Winebrenners Lisles and O'dells didn't know much about their spouses so it was great fun and lots of laughs. We also had a good time playning card bingo and finished the nite with a nice campfire back at the coaches.
Sunday we had coffee and rolls followed by a church service with an inspiring talk by Dennis Filson. Jerry Hardacre lead us in song and it was time to say good bye to old and new friends.
Being a host is an exhausting but wonderful experience. I would encourage everyone to think about hosting or at least helping with a rally.
See you all down the road and keep all of us in your prayers. Connie Decausmaker
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