Our next rally after the FMCA Family Reunion in Indy is in Anderson/Chesterfield Indiana Sept. 13-16. Our hosts, the Heaths and Hardacres, have once again arranged an interesting rally for the Hoosier Cruisers. Registration will be open until the rally but reservations are only being reserved at the RV resort until August 15th. Call Timberline Valley RV Resort (765-378-5909) as soon as possible to secure a spot with the Hoosier Cruisers.

It's been a few years since we had an "away" rally and this is a great
opportunity to pack up and explore the Amana Cononies in Amana, Iowa Sept.27-Oct.2. Thanks to our rally masters Betty and Dennis Behnken this is a combined effort with the National RV Great Lakers and should be a steller event with great fun and fellowship. Check out your newsletter for complete details.
The October rally is once again at the Lisle ranch in Columbia City, In. Oct. 11-14 and will be a wonderful way to wind down a busy camping

season. Those in attendance last year reported a fabulous time and we
all know how beautiful the fall season is for camping. This is a
"dry camping" event so reservations go to the Lisles and prepare your
generators for a little exercise. Steve would like to hear from those attending by Sept. 15th.
All the details for these rallies are in your August newsletter which you should have now received. Please don't hesitate to contact the rallymasters or myself with any questions.
Each of the registration forms posted should be printable by clicking on the form to enlarge and print. A few people have found hovering over the document then right click and print works as well.
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