The following report was provided by Doug Tillmann.
This was the second "Lisle Farm Rally" gathering
and we had eighteen coaches at this last Hoosier Cruiser Rally of the
season. After arriving throughout the
day Thursday, the Hoosier Cruisers pretty much just sat around and yakked and
enjoyed one another's company and the beautiful, sunny, crisp, fall weather
until early evening when we caravanned into South Whitley for a nice dinner at
the "Brown Stone Cafe".Friday morning there was a "Pitch
In" breakfast in Steve Lisle’s meticulously clean garage/workshop. This was another of those infamous Hoosier
Cruiser "Bring-A-Dish-To-Pass" and make everyone fatter type of event
where there is more food than the total number of attendees could possibly
After breakfast there was a rousing game of "Family Feud"
where the folks were divided into competing groups and were asked a series of
goofy questions about pretty much everything.
There was a lot of hootin’ and hollerin’ and it was lots of fun. As we were leaving the "Family
Feud" event we were all surprised as we were "strafed" by two
A-10 Thunder Bolt fighter aircraft as they went through some low altitude, high
speed, acrobatic gyrations which made our teeth and the windows rattle. These
awesome, thundering, airborne fighting machines, also known as the
"Warthog" were, as we found out later, based at the Air Guard base in
Ft. Wayne and the event was quietly orchestrated by Steve Lisle and his
son-in-law. The Warthogs, with GAU-8
Avenger gatling guns mounted in their noses, made us tremble and we were all
glad that they were not angry at us and that they are on our side.
After lunch, we spent the afternoon playing Euchre and the
dice game "Toss ‘em Up" in in the Community Center/Lisle Garage. Dinner was another pitch-in along with a big pot of brats which Barb and Jim Gibson
had prepared.
After dinner we all donned warm clothes and blankets and
listened to a roving minstrel as he strummed his guitar and sang to us as we
sat around one of Steve Lisle’s itty-bitty, teeny-weeny campfires which had
flames leaping fourteen feet into the pitch black, chilly fall night. Ahhh, life is good !
After another pitch-in breakfast, Saturday morning found Jim
& Bobbie Gibson laboring in the field setting up yard games. We all lined
up and carried marshmallows across a course between two popsicle sticks and
then pitched them into a bowl. We all
acted like teeny-boppers and had lots of fun.
Then some of the Cruisers engaged in a treasure hunt by elite teams
named: "The Pudgy Pumpkins", "The Squishy Squashes",
"The Wicked Witches", "The Scary Scare Crows", "The
Groovy Ghosts" and "The Sassy Spiders". No kidding !
That was the team names.
Unfortunately, it began to rain and the rest of the yard games that Jim
& Bobbie had worked so hard to set up went unused.

After dinner we were treated to a sort of gift/door prize
drawing. This one, like the one last year at the Lisle Rally, was different in
that when your name was drawn you could select a gift from the table or you
could "steal" one that a fellow Cruiser had previously drawn. Betty Tilmann drew a nice, fuzzy blanket that
was promptly "stolen" from poor Betty and then came into Lois Stoner's possession . Now, Betty was not happy about this but the
picture of Lois cradling the blanket, cuddling it to her cheeks and sort of
"bonding" with it was touching indeed. Unfortunately for Lois, poor Miss Lois, her
ecstasy was short lived. The blanket
went in and out of her control countless times and resulted in Lois finally
losing it to Mae Stevens which did not make Lois a happy camper. The blanket ultimately ended up with Mae
which left Lois in a state of moderate to severe depression. Congratulations to Mae and our very special
sympathies go out to poor, sad, depressed Miss Lois for losing her treasured,
soft, fuzzy blanket. Boo Hoo Hoo for Lois ! ! !
A great big - !
Yeehah ! - type thank you goes out to
Steve and Cassie and Jim & Bobbie Gibson and Danny & Mary Lou Biddle
for all of their efforts in staging another absolutely top drawer rally at the
Lisle Farm !
It was a great rally and brought our 2012 season to a
bitter-sweet end.
See you after the snow melts !
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