Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thank You and Update from the O'Dells
I received this from Bea and David O’Dell and they requested that I put it on the blog.  Please keep David and Bea in your thoughts and prayers during this time of treatment.  Thanks Steve Ruster

David and I can’t begin to tell you how much we have appreciated the cards, prayers, and the Thinking of You book from the Sept. Rally.  It brought tears to our eyes.  David is doing OK, so far no big side effects from the radiation other than being tired.  Trying to get him to take a nap is like putting a two year old down for a nap.  I have him on Vit E for hotflashes and that seems to be working, plus Vit B, the doctor is really pleased so far.  He goes to radiation M-F and will be done Nov. 18th.  Again, we thank you so much for thinking of us, we miss you all.  As I tell him we have next year.  Peace, B and David

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