Alan and Cheryl Schmiedt along with their assistants, Carl and Suze Wilt, and Denny and Linda Filson organized a fun filled rally. The afternoon "Happy Hours", were well attended with excellent food prepared by the attendees.
One of the first tours was to Splendor Boats. At this plant members were shown the advantages of a twin hull design in fiberglass boats. The grandfather who had founded the company worked with his grandchildren who today run the daily operations.
As you can see the robots spray the materials needed to make the hull of a boat.
The Hoosier Cruisers caravanned to the little town of Silver Lake. They visited a carpenter shop where wooden utensils are made. Whetstone Woodenware is shipped all over the world. It was facinating to watch the items actually being made.
The members made another stop at the Lawrence Bell Museum which contained many items associated with the development of the helicopter and other aviation items.
One of the first timers pitched right-in and scooped ice cream for those members with a "sweet tooth".
Not that it was rigged, but one of the Hardacres' granddaughters drew the winning ticket for the 50/50 drawing and guess who won? Jerry Hardacre.
The day ended with a storyteller sharing stories about people in Kosciusko County. Her tales kept the audience captivated.
If you missed this rally, don't miss another. The September rally will be held in Muncie beginning September 17th, and the club will be celebrating 35 years as an FMCA Chapter.
Ernie Clashman submitted this picture of men attending the seminar on slideout maintenance.
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